Quick Late Night Thinking

I’m working on a complete post about the devices Samsung showed at there event. I know it’s bed some days but I have been working on other things and other writings.

Also, Microsoft changed the Xbox One’s acts on used games and having to be plugged into the Internet. They also wanted to buy Nokia but Huawei might be beating them to it. I don’t know completely, I have to look into that some more.

It’s also 2:17 in the morning and these are kind of the thoughts that ran by me.

Microsoft changes XboxOne’s restrictions

I read that Microsoft is now letting you play as long as you want without Internet and they are “fixing” the use games issue that so many people bitched about.


We all had problems with the way Microsoft went with the Xbox One. We thought it was unfair for these policies to even be brought up. After hearing the complaints and loosing the battle at E3 to Sony, they finally came to terms about these restrictions. Now if only they can lower down that price.

Xbox One and iOS 7

I’ve seen that both of these huge things was talked about today. Sadly, I wasn’t able to watch a live stream of either of them.

So, for iOS 7 I will wait until I will be able to upgrade my phone to talk about this.

Xbox One, because it will be $500 when it comes out, I might be getting it soon. Maybe tax time but who knows. For this I will try to learn what I can before writing another thought about it.

My thoughts on the Xbox One

Kind of late, I know. I’m sorry.

On the day of the Xbox One release I was jumping. I was in school, with my tablet out watching the
CNet livestream on the console. Sadly, I  caught it late but I saw enough and now I’m reading enough.


Watching the livestream I really loved what I saw, I loved how I saw it but I wasn’t loving what I was reading.
The mane problem that I read everywhere was the thought that it wouldn’t play used games.

This now has been  dismissed and the XboxOne has a “OKAY” with used games.
But then there was the problem for some people that I don’t believe that talked about a lot
and that’s the no play back feature. I fucking blew up.

This means you will now have an Xbox One and an Xbox 360. This isn’t good news for me or my family
to read about because if you’re like me and my family, you will have an Xbox 360, an Xbox One, a PS3, a PC, and a Wii.
We are really big on gaming so the Wii U, PS4, and Steam Box, before 2015.

That’s a lot of consoles. We only keep our Wii and PS3 because it plays Game Cube and PS2 games. The fact that we will
need to have 2 Xbox consoles in the house sicken me. I love my 360 but I don’t want to I don’t want to play Saints Row 3
and have to plug in the One for to play Sims4.



On the last note, I don’t know how I feel about the controller and the Kinect.
The all black Xbox 360 controller is the only one I use. We have a black with gray analog stick and  arrow keys
but it feels bigger then the all black one and I don’t like it. This new controller looks really good and it looks like
it would have a really good feel to it. I like how it looks.


But the Kinect, I have one, we have some games for it but the only game I play is Rise of Nightmare, that’s my mind of game.
The way it looks is clean, it looks slick, it’s nice, and I’m sure it’s  default. So if  you get the Xbox One you will get a Kinect  as well
and I’m kind of okay with that. I most likely won’t use it but  you can sell it. It’s kind of a whatever-whatever thing
I don’t care much about it but to have it is nice because what if they come out with a really good horror Kinect game
and I really want it. Like Rise of Nightmare. That’s game’s the only reason why I even have a Kinect in the first place.

Xbox One is shown during a press event unveiling by Microsoft in Redmond