The Nokia Lumia 1020


The Nokia 1020 is the newest flagship Windows phone that was released yesterday. This phone is made to be an upgrade of the Nokia 808 that ran Symbian and a new version of the 920 that runs Windows. There really isn’t anything different from this smartphone that’s not on the Lumia 920 from Nokia but its camera, new camera grip, and the camera app.


The new Nokia Pro Camera is an update to the normal stock camera. The 41-megapixel camera that is added to this phone makes it a lot more powerful than the 808 PrueView camera and the 920’s stock camera. With the six-lens Carl Zeiss optics hardware gives it another profession camera look, it has a 3x zoom feature, autofocus feature, and a dual-flash feature.


Nokia’s Lumia 1020 also as a Xenon flash (the same as the Lumia 928) with a smaller LED flash. It also captures HD 1080p video.


Last thing about this phone is there is a camera grip. The grip is added to the 1020 to make it feel more like a camera when you want to use it as a camera. It’s easier to old and it has a capture button as the top. All you have to do is snap it on there, the USB port is already inside the grip do there’s no need to look or buy one to make this work. It also add extra battery life to your phone.

The phone itself is a U.S. exclusively at AT&T that’s started at 299.99 on contract. The Unlocked version might be at a good 500 at the most. The camera grips is sold on its own but I could not find how much it’s being sold for. I would say that once this phone and it’s grip drops, I will be getting an unlock 1020…. In 2-3 years.