Sony’s New Device: The PS Vita TV

Along with the PS Vita 2000, that I might not make a post about, Sony showed off a new streaming box that just might rival the Roku and the Apple TV. The PS Vita TV shown to stream internet TV (Netflix, Hulu, etc), music, and PS3/4 content. You can also play Vita games, mostly why it’s called the Vita TV. There is a slot for PS Vita games and a slot for an expandable memory card.



Not a lot of information is known about this device other then the basics. The PS Vita TV will be released on November 14th in Japan for, what would be for us, 95 – 100 dollars. There’s no official US release date or price but it’s believe to be out a month after the PS4 and will sell at 100 dollars.



Also, when I looked up everything I could, that was in English, and after showing the pictures and talking about it with my friends online, we all asked one question that hasn’t been clearly answered at this moment; Does this device record game play?  So far, that information has not been answered. Now, I am kind of unsure due to the fact that no one said anything about game capture and the fact that the PS4 already has game capture so they believe they didn’t have to put it on the PS Vita TV. I hope it has game capture, though, it would be awesome to record game play for the Vita.

Another question I saw someone asked was; Does it play PS2/3 games? As far as I know, only PS4 games are streamed and PS Vita games are played. I know what I said before, but I’m very unsure about the PS3. It might not play or stream PS3 and under games. Maybe just the Vita and PS4 games. Then again, this is day one of it’s accouterments, so before the release date more information will come out about game capture and other Play Station comparable game play. I’ll update this if it does have those features.
